Insights on Wellness - Part 1


by Wendy Fritz, RN, R.Ac.,MSTOM, Dipl.O.M.

Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing thoughts about late fall/early winter wellness from a variety of Traditional Chinese Medicine angles.  As we move into midfall in the middle of a pandemic (with the COVID-19 virus spreading faster than it ever has) doing what we can to try and stay well is now more important than ever.  Not only is the spread of COVID-19 on the rise, but we are in the season where many other bugs are more than happy to share our personal space—the common cold, flu, strep are just some of those that proliferate this time of year and would like to call your body home.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we will get sick.  There may just be more “bugs” in our environment than even the healthiest of us can fight off; we may have a system not working optimally that allows an exposure access it wouldn’t otherwise have; in the case of the current pandemic, we may encounter something our bodies have never experienced before; there may be some combination of any of these.  Then it becomes necessary to employ outside strategies to restore health, and/or bring comfort.

We will talk about things you can do at home to address these in upcoming posts.  One thing you can do is talk to your Traditional Chinese Practitioner to identify herbal formulas that can support you on this path whether it be to boost your immune system before you become sick or to quickly attack invaders to try and shorten the duration when you are not feeling well.  We have a variety of formulas to meet your needs, and if we don’t have the right fit, we can order something that does, because one size definitely does not fit all, and with current COVID restrictions, acupuncture isn’t an option once you are sick.

For your protection during this ongoing pandemic, we can discuss your needs via phone if you are an established patient.  We can also do curb side pick-up for herbal remedies.