Your Office Visit

From the moment you step into our office space, you will feel safe and relaxed in the warm, comforting environment, allowing you to fully experience our caring and nurturing treatment to optimize health and wellness.
Because you are a unique individual, we take the time to truly know you and your concerns. During your first visit we will spend approximately 1½ hours with you in which we will take an in-depth history and a complete Oriental Medical examination. This will allow us to carefully assess the physical and emotional factors that might be affecting your health.
Follow this link to download, print, and fill out our Patient Intake Form to save time at your first visit.
Cancellation Policy
We understand how busy life is, how appointments can be overlooked or forgotten, and that cancellations are sometimes unavoidable. Same-day cancellations or missed appointments create gaps in our schedule that could accommodate other patients.
We ask that all appointment cancellations or requests for rescheduling be made with a minimum of 24-hour notice so that we may offer that appointment to another person who is waiting for care.
We set aside the time you select for your appointments, and we do not double book. Late cancellations and missed appointments greatly impact our practice. A failure to be present at the time of a scheduled appointment will be recorded in your medical record as a “no-show.”
If you know that you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please contact us at 269.888.2471. If no one answers, leave a message so we may accommodate another patient in your place.